Octopus Terrine with Orange, Lemon Gel, Pickled Dillisk, Squid ink crisp

Dish Name: Octopus Terrine with Orange, Lemon Gel, Pickled Dillisk, Squid ink crisp

Portions: 4

Preparation Time: 1Hours

Cooking Time: 1 Hour

List of Ingredients:


1kg Octopus

Cooking liquor

750ml White wine

1 Lemon

1 Orange

2 Bay Leaf

5 Peppercorns

200g Mirepoix

4.5L water

Lemon Gel 

325g water

75g Sugar

2g Salt

3g Lemon Zest

1gr Saffron

9g Agar agar

125g Lemon Juice

Pickle Dillisk

50g Dillisk (seaweed)

450ml water

90ml sherry vinegar

6g salt

6g Sugar

45ml soya sauce

Squid Ink Crisp

10g flour

5g squid ink

80ml water

20ml oil

Method of preparation:


Combine all the cooking liquor ingredients together and bring to the boil. . Place Octopus in the cooking liquor, bring back to the boil and simmer gently (allowing 1hr per kg approximately) until tender. When octopus is cooked place into ice cold water to keep its colour for a few minutes.

Line the terrine mould with a light spray of oil and cling film for ease of removing later. Cut off the legs. Then place all the legs (head to toe) in a terrine mould and compress tightly as possible (may use a weight). Refrigerate for eight hours before removal from terrine dish. You can portion as you please.

Lemon Gel 

Bring water, sugar lemon zest, saffron and salt to a boil. Cover and turn the heat off allow to infuse  for 20 minutes. Strain and add to small pot. Add agar agar and bring to boil again. Whisk constantly for one and a half minutes. Again pass through chinois into a small pan. Place over ice water to cool. Transfer to blender, add lemon juice and blend until smooth. Strain once more and your lemon coulis is complete.

Pickled Dillisk 

Bring the vinegar, sugar, water and salt to the boil. Divide into two halfs,  Add the seaweed to the one half  of the pickling liquids and keep in a sealed jar.

Squid Ink Crisp

Whisk all the ingredients together  with a balloon whisk until smooth. Pour a ladel of the mix on to a non stick pan. Wait until all the bubbles cease and a lace effect is created on the pan. Remove gently and place on kitchen paper to drain

Method of Assembly

Place the octopus terrine at a slight angle on one half of the plate. Place a small round mould at the top of the terrine and fill with pickled cucumber and then top with dillisk. Place a piece of orange down from the cucumber bundle.  Pipe lemon gel dots in descending order perpendicular to the terrine. Garnish each dot with a sprig of dill. Place the squid ink crisp between the terrine and the cucumber pickle.  Finish off with some watercress and a drizzle of rape seed oil.

Name of the Training college: Galway International Hotel School, GMIT

Address: Dept of Culinary Arts, Galway Mayo Institute of Technology, Dublin Rd, Galway City

Contact Name: Sadie Davoren

Chef/Restaurant/School Profile: Sadie Davoren trained as a chef and worked in restaurants and hotels in Ireland and abroad while furthering her education. She has completed a L9 Postgraduate in Learning, Teaching and Assessment, and an MA in Culinary Arts Management. Working as a culinary arts Lecturer not only gives Sadie the opportunity to pass on skills and knowledge but also allows her to inspire and encourage students to compete and reach their potential.

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