Cephs and Chefs. Kick-off meeting in Galway. December 2017

On 18th December 2017 took place in Galway the first Project meeting organized by NUIG (National University of Ireland Galway).

The main objective of the project is to achieve knowledge generation in sustainable cephalopod fisheries development and transfer gastronomy and food culture from South European countries (Spain and Portugal) to North European countries (France, UK and Ireland). The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Atlantic Area Programme.

During the kick-off meeting the WP leaders gave a presentation about the objectives, actions and expected results for each WP. Likewise the next steps for each action were defined.

All these activities are aimed at reaching the objectives defined in the project like add value to cephalopods product, new markets initiatives, improve knowledge of the value chain and eating habits, and ensure sustainability of cephalopods fishing activities.

The project will be beneficial for the entire European region since north European countries may introduce new gastronomic products, and south European countries may attract new gastronomic tourists based on these products.

At the same time, fishermen of the European Atlantic area will have a wider market for their cephalopod catch, and improved knowledge about cephalopod fisheries sustainability.

The next meeting will be held in Vigo in July 2018, in the days leading up to Vigo Sea Fest, which will be visited by the project partners.



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